DDoS Attacks on European Elections

How prepared is Europe for a wave of cyberattacks during elections? The European elections saw a 30% increase in DDoS attacks, targeting political websites. Is it merely a coincidence or part of a larger, more sinister plan? What can be done to protect the integrity of the electoral process?

Join us as we delve into these pressing questions with two leading experts in the field of cybersecurity. Special guests Octavia de Weerdt, General Director of Stichting NBIP and Chair of the Anti-DDoS Coalition, and Frank Dupker, European Network Manager of NaWas, share their insights and strategies to counteract these threats.

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Threat Talks Special: DDoS Attacks on European Elections

Your cybersecurity experts

Lieuwe Jan Koning

Co-Founder and CTO, ON2IT

Rob Maas Field CTO

Octavia de Weerdt

General Manager at NBIP Foundation

Rob Maas Field CTO

Frank Dupker

NaWaS at NBIP Foundation

Episode details:

In this episode of Threat Talks, Lieuwe Jan Koning explores the surge in DDoS attacks during the recent European elections, broadcasting from the ON2IT Security Operations Center. Joining him are Octavia de Weerdt, General Director of Stichting NBIP and Chair of the Anti-DDoS Coalition, and Frank Dupker, European Network Manager of NaWas. They discuss the significant increase in attacks targeting political websites and the implications of these cyber threats.

The conversation delves into the vital role of the Anti-DDoS Coalition, its functions, and the importance of international collaboration in bolstering cybersecurity measures. De Weerdt and Dupker share insights into the types of DDoS attacks observed and the necessity for preparation and innovative approaches to detect and mitigate these threats.

Throughout the episode, the guests emphasize the gravity of cyber threats and the importance of proactive cybersecurity strategies. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the DDoS attacks on European elections and learn about the efforts to protect our digital democracy. 

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